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Agenda item

Water Safety Partnership Annual Report 2023/24 (JPPC4335)

As agreed by West Berkshire Council’s Executive on 15 July 2021, an annual report is presented to the JPPC detailing the activities of the Bracknell and West Berkshire Water Safety Partnership.


Councillor Lee Dillon opened the item with a reflection on the reasons the Water Safety Partnership was formed. On 13 March 2021, three year old Dylan Milsom tragically died after falling into the Kennet and Avon Canal near Victoria Park in Newbury. The Committee gave its heartfelt condolences to Dylan’s family and friends. 

The Committee considered the annual report detailing the activities of the Bracknell and West Berkshire Water Safety Partnership (the Partnership) (Agenda Item 7).

Jon Winstanley (Service Director, Environment) presented the report. Following the tragedy of March 2021, the Partnership was formed by a number of key partners including West Berkshire Council, the Canal and River Trust, emergency services and Bracknell Forest Council. Meetings were also attended by representatives from Wokingham Borough Council and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

Key objectives of the Partnership included the sharing of best practice and knowledge across Berkshire, promoting and developing water safety initiatives, promoting awareness of risks, and the provision of a targeted approach to water safety with the ultimate aim of minimising, as far as possible, incidents of accidental drowning across Berkshire.

However, Mr Winstanley reported the further extremely sad news that there had been an accidental drowning in the past year, which occurred along the Kennet and Avon Canal at night time. This was investigated by the Partnership and while they found that no reasonable physical measures could have prevented this incident, conversations were held with street pastors and representatives of the nighttime economy in Newbury to help highlight the dangers of being near the water at night. Physical measures were however being considered in some other areas.

The Partnership had been and would continue to be involved in a number of activities. Future activities were captured in the events calendar which was appended to the report. Examples included educational activity, introducing additional water safety cabinets, adding information to the PPP website, and running events/raising awareness in hot spot areas.

Councillor Guy Gillbe described a near miss he experienced as a seven year old child. Fortunately, he survived, but this was something he still remembered quite vividly. He was pleased to see this being rightly treated as a highly serious matter to prevent the tragedy that had occurred three years ago.

Councillor Gillbe highlighted the importance of following the Water Safety Code. He acknowledged it was extremely difficult to keep a 100% constant eye on children but such incidents could happen in a matter of seconds. The Code highlighted the absolute importance of staying close to children at all times when near the water.

Councillor Iskandar Jefferies was pleased to note the addition of QR codes which gave the ability to access information on water safety. This would help make the information more accessible to young people.

Councillor Gillbe questioned whether it was possible to record near misses. Mr Winstanley acknowledged this was difficult in that there was reliance on receiving reports from members of the public. West Berkshire Council did receive data from the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS), and Mr Winstanley agreed to query this matter with them.

Councillor Gillbe queried what direct action was being taken to provide advice to families and young people, i.e. within schools. Mr Winstanley explained that awareness raising events were held at locations where there was a level of risk. The RBFRS did some work within schools and Mr Winstanley agreed to provide further information on that to Councillor Gillbe.

Moira Fraser, Principal Officer – Policy and Governance, added that the Partnership would go out on the road during the summer, which included attendance at parish events.

Councillor Dillon referred to recent incidents of flooding and he queried if communications would be issued in relation to this and the need to exercise caution with flood water and higher water levels. Mr Winstanley advised that this was a topic of discussion at the Partnership meeting held that day. Messages would be issued by the RBFRS and by local authorities.

Councillor Dillon then referred to his own experience as a three year old child when he fell into his next door neighbour’s pond. Fortunately, no harm was done but Councillor Dillon queried whether advice was provided to residents with ponds and private swimming pools. Mr Winstanley agreed to take that point away for discussion with the Partnership.

Councillor Dillon concluded the item by giving thanks to Mr Winstanley and the members of the Water Safety Partnership for all their hard work.

RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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