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Agenda item

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair


Neil Goddard invited the Schools’ Forum to nominate and vote on the position of Chair for the coming year.

RESOLVED that Graham Spellman would continue as Chair of the Schools’ Forum for the 2024/25 financial year.

Graham Spellman invited the Schools’ Forum to nominate and vote on the position of Vice-Chair for the coming year.

RESOLVED that Keith Harvey would continue as Vice-Chair of the Schools’ Forum for the 2024/25 financial year.</AI1>

The Chair thanked Gemma Piper as she would be standing down from the Forum from July, as she was moving on from West Berkshire at the end of this academic year. Gemma Piper had joined the Forum in 2019 and the Chair thanked her on behalf of the Forum for her commitment and contribution over the years to both the Heads’ Funding Group and Schools’ Forum.

The Chair welcomed Jo MacArthur to the Forum who was the new maintained primary representative from the Willows Primary School.