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Agenda item

Deficit Schools (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis introduced the report (Agenda Item 9) on the outturn position of the nine schools (Beenham, Brimpton, Kennet Valley, Long Lane, Pangbourne, Spurcroft, St Finians, St John & St Nicolas Federation and St Josephs) that set a deficit budget in 2023/24. The report also provided detailed on four schools (Enborne, Hermitage, Theale and Woolhampton) closing 2023/24 with an unlicensed deficit.

Melanie Ellis drew attention to the summary under section 5.1 of the report. The combined position at the end of 2023/24 was £74k worse than the original budget. One school had ended the year with a surplus rather than a deficit and three schools had ended with a lower deficit than expected.  Five schools had ended the year with higher deficits than planned. The details for individual schools were included under section five of the report.

Section six of the report provided details on the four schools that had ended the year with an unlicensed deficit. No further action was required for two of the schools as the deficits were expected to be paid off immediately. The other two schools had been asked for licensed applications for 2024/25.

The next report would be brought to the Forum in October and would detail all the schools being licensed for 2024/25.

Reverend Mark Bennet asked if anything had been learnt from the review of school deficits. Melanie Ellis suggested she could bring a report to the next meeting on this matter. The learning did not indicate that deficits were a result of the size or location of a school however, falling numbers of pupils was a significant factor.


·       Melanie Ellis to bring a report to the next meeting setting out the learning for why schools were in deficit.

·       The Schools’ Forum noted the report.

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