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Agenda item

Suicide Prevention

Purpose: To review the approach to suicide prevention in West Berkshire.


Steven Bow (Public Health Consultant) presented an overview of the report on Suicide Prevention Activities in West Berkshire (Agenda Item 7). During the presentation the following points were added:

·         There were around 10 – 11 suicides each year. Audits around suicides in Berkshire took place which looked at the personal and social circumstances of each death.

·         There was a pan Berkshire suicide prevention strategy, under which a local suicide prevention plan was being developed for West Berkshire. Steven Bow asked for comments from the Committee in relation to this development.

Dr Sue McLaughlin (Lead for Suicide Prevention, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT) gave an overview of the report on the suicide prevention strategy at BHFT. A new carer panel had just been launched so if a carer had a concern, they could speak to an independent panel. This was developed in response to feedback from serious incidents.

During the discussion it was noted that a national survey had found that the public were now more concerned about mental health than cancer or obesity. The importance of suicide prevention fist aid was highlighted. It was confirmed that the local suicide prevention first aid provision was run through the Volunteer Centre West Berkshire. West Berkshire Council were assisting and there was a plan to deliver the training in education / school settings. It was noted that mental health support was particularly important in schools. The BOB ICB, who commissioned mental health support services, were reviewing the role of mental health support teams in schools such as emotional health academies and looking to improve coverage of those teams. They were also focussing the whole school approach to mental health by promoting mental health and wellbeing across the whole student population.

Debt and mental health were discussed, noting that it was not only the stigma of debt that affected mental health. Being in debt and other financial concerns could affect mental health. It was highlighted that some people in debt did not seek help for debt due to embarrassment or feeling judged by others.

Specific support for people bereaved by suicide was discussed as tailored specialist support was required. There was a need to rapidly make contact with bereaved family members. This was facilitated through referrals from the police and by the real time surveillance system.

It was noted there was a rapid increase in hospital admissions due to self-harm in West Berkshire from 2014/15 and a question was raised as to whether this was a trend, due to low relative numbers or due to changes in coding. It was noted that this should be looked into further.

Action: Steven Bow to explore the data relating to the self-harm rates of young people in West Berkshire and share an overview with Members of the Health Scrutiny Committee.

It was recommended by Members that considering initiatives to support parents was important. As well as managing the impact from future pandemics.

It was asked how the impact of social media had impacted the suicide prevention strategy. It was confirmed that this was not currently strongly featured. Online safety, social media and technology were in the national prevention plan and so this could be looked at in the West Berkshire Action Plan. It was highlighted by BHFT that clinicians were educated to support people with what they did online.

Members considered how local groups could be used to communicate and raise awareness locally. The importance of parish councils in communicating with the public as well as informing councillors. Voluntary organisations such as Berkshire Youth were also important. Churches were highlighted as having local facilities and networks to help people. It was noted that facilities varied depending on villages, but many rural areas had active community groups. It was agreed a formal response to the report by Public Health on Suicide Prevention from the Health Scrutiny Committee would be made.

Action: The Health Scrutiny Committee to responds to paragraph 6.2 in the report on suicide prevention. 

RESOLVED to note the reports.



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