Agenda item
DSG Monitoring 2024/25 Month 6 (Lisa Potts)
(Chris Prosser, Jacquie Davies and Jon Hewitt rejoined the meeting at 6pm)
Lisa Potts introduced the report (Agenda Item 12), which provided the forecast financial position of the services funded by the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and highlighted any under or over spends, and the cumulative deficit on the DSG.
Lisa Potts advised that the report presented data for quarter two where the in-year deficit was standing at just under £8m. This was largely due to the in-year deficit in the High Needs Block (HNB). The forecast deficit for the end of the year was £17.5m.
There were a number of new funding streams in the Early Years Block including increased entitlement for children over nine months old. There was also a saving in the area relating to a senior post.
The were a couple of areas of overspend in the Central Schools Services Block (CSSB) and this was mainly due to charges for the Capita system which had been higher than expected.
Regarding the HNB, two terms worth of top up funding had been set out for the maintained special schools, which provided a better idea of what the forecast was likely to be for this area. There was currently a £119k overspend and pressure was continuing due to increasing numbers of children requiring an EHCP assessment.
Lisa Potts drew attention to the table under section 5.12 of the report, which highlighted the expected position at the end of the year for each of the individual blocks. Underspend in the Schools’ Block was helping to bring the deficit down slightly.
Lisa Potts explained that the report did not include figures related to the clawback and the funding adjustment would be included with the next forecast in quarter three.
RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.
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