Agenda item
Transitions Support Programme Proposal (Hester Collicut)
Hester Collicut introduced the report (Agenda Item 8), which outlined the progress that had been made in relation to the Transitions Support Programme as part of the Delivering Better Value Programme and outlined the rationale for the match funding request.
Hester Collicut explained that the report proposed match funding for two posts to enable targeted support for year six pupils as they moved through the spring and summer term, into the autumn term. It was a full year’s programme, which had been coproduced with schools through the Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programme. Shared funding was being sought because the DBV Programme would end in July and it was suggested the Transitions Support Programme needed to run beyond this to ensure it had an impact. The Vice-Chair was of the understanding that whilst the Forum could take a view on this, the final decision sat with the LA. Neil Goddard reported that the LA would wish for this to be a joint decision with the Schools’ Forum however, the LA was asking the Schools’ Forum to take a view as a consultee rather than the decision-making body.
Trevor Keable queried where funding would come from if the recommendation was approved. Neil Goddard clarified that it was a project where using money from the HNB for the purpose set out would, overtime, help to reduce the escalation of costs and pressure against the HNB, because transitions would be effectively managed.
Chris Prosser raised concern regarding posts introduced as part of Invest to Save initiatives historically where no impact had been demonstrated and he was concerned about the process being repeated. The Vice-Chair highlighted that the Transitions Support Programme had been identified through research carried out by Newton and hopefully this provided an evidence base. Hester Collicut highlighted that when children received EHCPs it was often at the point of transition that high numbers were lost to specialist placements. Irrespective of if a child received an EHCP at that point, the aim was to ensure these children were supported successfully into mainstream. Consultation with parents and schools on this area highlighted that there was great anxiety and a lack of confidence in the system and the aim was to address this. A number of children had been identified as particularly vulnerable and if there was success in supporting these children then a significant amount would be saved against the HNB and their outcomes would be improved.
Neil Goddard referred to Chris Prosser’s point about historical spend with the view of reducing pressure and he noted that this was something that Forum had raised concerns about in the past. Neil Goddard confirmed that this was something that would be looked into through DBV and would be brought back to the Schools’ Forum at a later stage. In relation to the project in question there was an evidence base for why it should be undertaken and that it would likely lead to savings. It was also worth noting that the HNB would only provide half the cost as the other half was funded through DBV. It was therefore felt the project offered good value to the HNB as it would provide a longer-term piece of work that would enable the LA to assess the impact.
Hester Collicut confirmed that the posts were term time only and oncosts were included.
Paul Davey was of the understanding that DBV funding would end in a year’s time, and he queried if the total cost of the project would move over the HNB at that stage. Hester Collicut stated that the impact of the pilot project would need to be assessed and if success could be demonstrated then there would be a strong case for a review by the Schools’ Forum about maintaining the programme moving forward.
Lesley Roberts commented that it would be good to see earlier help offered to younger children if the pilot programme was a success. Hester Collicut commented that there would be an opportunity to expand and consider how the programme might be developed moving forward. A specific area was currently being focused on that could be easily evaluated so that immediate impact could be assessed.
Councillor Heather Codling emphasised that the best outcomes for young people were being sought from this programme and not just the financial benefits. Finances were important and it was important to get this element right however, it was the outcomes for the young people involved that she was most concerned about. Chris Prosser agreed however, highlighted the importance of questioning how funding would be used.
The Vice-Chair invited the Forum to consider the recommendation set out in the report. It was proposed and seconded that the recommendation for the match funding of two Transition Support Programme posts that had been identified as necessary for the sustained delivery of the pilot initiative for one year, be approved.
RESOLVED that the recommendation under section 2.1 of the report was approved.
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