Committee details
Scrutiny Commission
Purpose of committee
The Scrutiny Commission is responsible for reviewing the decisions, policies and services of West Berkshire Council and, in some cases, those of other organisations and partners to improve the lives of local people. In particular, the Commission acts as the Council’s Crime and Disorder Committee.
It is not responsible for scrutiny of health services – this function is undertaken by West Berkshire Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee and by relevant Joint Health Scrutiny Committees where matters affect patient flows across local authority boundaries.
The Commission is made up of 9 Members, reflecting the political composition of the local authority. Members of the Executive cannot be members of the Scrutiny Commission.
The Scrutiny Commission usually meets four times per year, but additional meeting may be required to consider requests to call-in decisions that have been made by the Executive, but not yet implemented. Topics may be considered at a full meeting of the Scrutiny Commission, or delegated to a standing sub-committee or a time-limited task and finish group, with findings reported back to the Scrutiny Commission.
Scrutiny is not able to review or scrutinise decisions taken by Council, Planning Committees, Licensing Committees, Licensing Sub-Committees or Education Appeals.
Contact: Democratic Services Team
Further information links:
Scrutiny at West Berkshire Council
Getting Involved in Reviewing Council Decisions
Part 6 Constitution – Overview and Scrutiny Rules of Procedure
- Councillor Carolyne Culver (Chairman)
- Councillor Dominic Boeck (Vice-Chairman)
- Councillor Antony Amirtharaj
- Councillor Jeremy Cottam
- Councillor Paul Dick
- Councillor Ross Mackinnon
- Councillor Erik Pattenden
- Councillor Christopher Read
- Councillor Laura Coyle (Substitute)
- Councillor Billy Drummond (Substitute)
- Councillor David Marsh (Substitute)
- Councillor Geoff Mayes (Substitute)
- Councillor Richard Somner (Substitute)
- Councillor Joanne Stewart (Substitute)
- Councillor Howard Woollaston (Substitute)
Contact information
Support officer: Gordon Oliver.
Postal address:
Strategic Support
Council Offices
Market Street
RG14 5LD
Phone: (01635) 519486
Web site: