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Committee details

Governance Committee

Purpose of committee

The Governance Committee usually meets about five times a year. Meetings usually take place at 5.00pm in the Council Chamber, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD. There are eight members elected to the Committee, as well as two co-opted, non-voting Parish Councillors.


The main roles of the Governance Committee are to: challenge and provide independent assurance on the Risk Management Framework and associated internal controls of the Council; consider and make recommendations to the Council on proposed changes to the Constitution; review the Council’s financial statements; and review the external auditors’ annual audit letter.


The Governance Committee will also be charged with: promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Councillors and co-opted Members; assisting Councillors and co-opted Members, to observe the Members’ Code of Conduct; advising the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct; monitoring its operation; advising and training Councillors and co-opted Members on matters relating to the Members’ Code of Conduct; granting dispensations to Councillors and co-opted Members on requirements relating to interests; ensuring arrangements are in place under which allegations of misconduct in respect of the members’ Code of Conduct can be investigated and to review such arrangements appropriately; and to exercise the above in relation to the Parish and Town Councils in the District.


Contact:  Democratic Services Team


Further information links:

Statements of Accounts and Audit

Part 7 Constitution - Regulatory and Other Committees

Monitoring Officer's Annual Report to the Governance and Ethics Committee – 2021/22


Contact information

Support officer: Ben Ryan (Democratic Services Officer).

Postal address:
Legal and Democratic Services
Council Offices
Market Street
RG14 5LD

Phone: 07824 823 893
