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13/07/2015 - Schools Forum Membership & Constitution



Claire White informed Members that there was a requirement to review its membership and constitution annually. There have been no legislative changes since the last update to the constitution in 2012 which is still compliant, but Claire suggested that the wording in Part A could be updated to reflect that provided in the latest 2015/16 version of the EFAs ‘Schools forum powers and responsibilities’ document. Jackie Hegg pointed out that the representation of the further education sector should be included. No changes to the membership were proposed because the number of members for the primary, secondary and academies sectors is still broadly proportionate to the current number of pupils.


It was noted that five members are coming to the end of their term and will need to either be re-elected or replaced by their group.


John Tyzack added that as Chair of the Forum he had recently completed a survey from the DfE about the effectiveness of our Schools’ Forum, and stressed again the importance for Members to engage with the sector that they are representing.


DECISION: The minor amendment to Part A of the constitution was agreed plus reference to further education representation to be added. It was agreed that there would be no changes to the membership for 2015/16.



The West Berkshire School Forum constitution be updated accordingly and published on the website


The five members coming to the end of their term make arrangements for their re-election or replacement, and let Claire White know the outcome.




























C White


P. Dick for Academies.

I. Pearson for Primary.

S. Hunter for PRU

Rev.M. Harwood for CofE Diocese