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Issue - decisions


22/12/2017 - Key Accountable Performance 2017/18: Quarter Two (EX3247)

Resolved that the Executive:


To note progress against the Key Accountable Measures and the key achievements in all services.

To review those areas reported as ‘amber’ or ‘red’ to ensure that appropriate action is in place. In particular, to consider the results and improvement actions for:

·         the milestones for the key infrastructure projects: London Road Industrial Estate and Sterling Cables;

·         timeliness to respond to Adult Social Care safeguarding concerns;

·         % of people presented homeless where the homelessness has been relieved or prevented.

Agree an additional measure, proposed to be reported at the Executive Board starting at Q3, to be included as part of the performance framework in order to give an indication of the outcomes of the community conversations, namely: ‘% of identified communities that have agreed what actions will be undertaken to address locally identified issues’.

Agree a change in target from ‘Mar 2018’ to ‘Jul 2018’ for the Market Street Redevelopment’s second milestone of ‘starting on site’ due to dependency on developer to complete their viability related processes and hand over the contribution of £500k (see Appendix F exception reports).

This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 3 January 2018, then it will be implemented.