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Issue - decisions


18/10/2019 - Key Accountable Performance 2019/20: Quarter One (EX3713)

Resolved that:


·         Progress against the core business measures be noted.

·         Those areas reported as ‘amber’ or ‘red’ (detailed in Appendix F) had been reviewed to ensure that appropriate actions were in place and were making a difference, in particular for the measure relating to:

·         The timeliness of reviews of clients with ASC long term service – this had been referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission by the Executive at Q4.

·         The decrease in demand in Q1 in Children and Family Services be noted.

·         The increase in demand and its subsequent impact on performance and financial commitment in Adult Social Care be noted, in particular on the Locality Teams.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 24 October 2019, then it will be implemented.