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Issue - decisions


19/07/2024 - Highway Defect (Pothole) Management Review

Individual Decision No:


Portfolio Member:

Councillor Stuart Gourley Executive Portfolio Holder: Environment and Highways


Resolved that the recommendations detailed below be included in the refresh of the Council’s Highways Asset Management Plan.  It is also resolved that the definition of a highway defect depth, or ‘investigatory level’, be changed from 50mm to 40mm and that this will be implemented with immediate effect. A communications strategy will be developed and implemented ahead of the Councils Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) refresh but will also be included within the HAMP.





Utilise Vaisala Road AI to establish not only condition bands but inform on potential future issues on the network and establish if it is feasible to deliver preventative interventions.


A review of the network hierarchy in order to ensure that the current inspection regime and wider asset management decisions are applied appropriately to the network and changes are captured.


Update the Highway Inspection Procedure to more reflect the guidance in Well Managed Highway Infrastructure: A Code of Practice. This is to include a  review of the Investigatory Levels set out in the documents.


Review the current defect response times across all defect types to ensure that the balance of keeping the network safe and that the delivery of repairs and interventions occur in an efficient and effect manner.


Explore the development of a method to link the follow up permanent repairs with initial temporary repairs.


Review the current repair methods and materials delivered on the network with a view to trialling and adopting a wider, more flexible suite of repair options.


Adopt the updated Highways Communication Plan and ensure its implementation to keep stakeholders informed of highways operations. This will include improved information and engagement for Councillors, the wider use of video and other direct communication channels and greater listening and feedback from the service.



This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 24 July 2024, then it will be implemented.