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Election results for Thatcham (North East)

Thatcham Town Council Election 2023 - Thursday 4 May 2023

For further information, please contact:
Clare Ockwell - Electoral Services and Land Charges Manager
Tel: (01635) 519468 Email:

Thatcham (North East) - results
Election Candidate Party Votes Outcome
Lee Raymond James Dillon Liberal Democrats 1199 Elected
Jeremy Richard Cottam Liberal Democrats 1158 Elected
Michael Jon De Courcy Cole Liberal Democrats 1100 Elected
Christine Susan Rice Liberal Democrats 1096 Elected
Benjamin Graham Schiffer-Harte Liberal Democrats 977 Elected
Simon Matthew Carr Conservative Party 551 Not elected
Dominic John Parry Conservative Party 536 Not elected
Linda Elizabeth Verner Conservative Party 454 Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 5
Total votes 7071
Electorate 5414
Number of ballot papers issued 1756
Number of ballot papers rejected 21
Turnout 32%
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty7
voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to3
want of an official mark11
Total rejected21