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Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 10th December, 2013 6.30 pm, Scrutiny Commission

Please note: The attendance figures relate to the attendance of Councillors at meetings and sub-committees of Council only, they do not include the meetings of task groups and outside bodies also attended by Councillors.

Please ensure the correct date range is selected. Attendance records start from 17 May 2011.

Venue:   Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury

Contact:    David Lowe / Charlene Myers / Elaine Walker

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Gabrielle Alford Public In attendance
Councillor Jeff Beck Committee Member Present
Councillor Brian Bedwell Chairman Present
Sarah Bellars Public In attendance
Councillor Jeff Brooks Vice-Chairman Apologies, sent representative
Councillor Paul Bryant Substitute Present as substitute
Nick Carter Officer In attendance
Councillor Sheila Ellison Committee Member Present
Gabrielle Esplin Officer In attendance
Councillor Dave Goff Committee Member Present
Councillor Roger Hunneman Substitute Present as substitute
Charlene Myers Officer In attendance
Councillor Mike Johnston Committee Member Present
David Lowe Officer In attendance
Councillor Alan Macro Committee Member Present
Councillor Gwen Mason Committee Member Present
Councillor Tim Metcalfe Committee Member Present
Councillor Joe Mooney Committee Member In attendance
Councillor Andrew Rowles Committee Member Apologies, sent representative
Councillor Garth Simpson Committee Member Present
Councillor Tony Vickers Committee Member Present
Councillor Virginia von Celsing Committee Member Present
Andy Walker Officer In attendance
Samantha Ward Committee Member In attendance
Councillor Quentin Webb Committee Member Present
Councillor Emma Webster Committee Member Present
Councillor Laszlo Zverko Committee Member Present