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Meeting attendance

Monday 14 March 2022 5.00 pm, Schools Forum

Please note: The attendance figures relate to the attendance of Councillors at meetings and sub-committees of Council only, they do not include the meetings of task groups and outside bodies also attended by Councillors.

Please ensure the correct date range is selected. Attendance records start from 17 May 2011.

Venue:   Shaw House Church Road Newbury RG14 2DR

Contact:    Jessica Bailiss

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Avril Allenby Officer In attendance
Jessica Bailiss Clerk In attendance
Reverend Mark Bennet Committee Member Present
Councillor Dominic Boeck Committee Member Apologies
Jonathon Chishick Committee Member Present
Melissa Cliffe Committee Member Present
Catie Colston Vice-Chairman Apologies
Jacquie Davies Committee Member Present
Emily Dawkins Committee Member Apologies
Melanie Ellis Officer In attendance
Janet Giddings Officer Expected
Richard Hand Committee Member In attendance
Michelle Harrison Public Present
Keith Harvey Committee Member Present
Richard Hawthorne Committee Member Present
Jon Hewitt Committee Member Present
Caroline Johnson Committee Member Present
Councillor Ross Mackinnon Committee Member Present
Catherine McLeod Community Representative Apologies
Maria Morgan Committee Member Present
Ian Pearson Officer In attendance
Gemma Piper Committee Member Present
Chris Prosser Committee Member Present
David Ramsden Committee Member Present
Michelle Sancho Officer In attendance
Jane Seymour Officer In attendance
Campbell Smith Committee Member Present
Graham Spellman Chairman Present
Phil Spray Committee Member Present
Charlotte Wilson Committee Member Present