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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury

Contact: David Lowe / Charlene Myers / Elaine Walker 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal, Disclosable Pecuniary or other interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Children's Services Recruitment and Retention Strategy pdf icon PDF 507 KB

Purpose: To review the strategy to redress recruitment and retention issues in Children’s Services and the investment that is required to implement the strategy prior to consideration at the Executive on the 24 July 2014.

Additional documents:


The Commission considered the report (Agenda item 3) outlining the rationale for and outcomes required of the Children’s Services Recruitment and Retention Strategy.


Rachael Wardell introduced the item by explaining that Children’s Services was faced with an acute staffing crisis in its highest risk child protection teams. The problem was part of a wider national issue caused by a shortage of experienced child and family social workers, however, it was imperative that measures were implemented to address the problem in a local context.


The challenges related specifically to front line staff and particularly those who carried out statutory duties. The issue was already affecting the ability to provide safe and effective child protection services.


Measures had previously been introduced to address the problem, including the revised career progression arrangements implemented earlier in the year, but recently the situation had deteriorated significantly and therefore the urgent implementation of additional  more focused measures was required. Rachael Wardell stressed that the situation was affecting the performance of front line teams and ultimately the effectiveness of the service.


The Commission heard that the problem of a higher than desirable proportion of roles covered by agency staff had existed for some time before but since certain key staff had left front line teams recently the service had become more vulnerable and turbulent.


Mark Evans explained that the covering report was presented in two sections. Section one detailed the recruitment and retention challenges and their impact, the second outlined the strategy that had been developed to address the issue and also included detailed costing associated with the its delivery.


In order to attract staff and create a stable team, the strategy outlined the introduction of a number of non-financial incentives designed to improve the working environment for social workers. The strategy also proposed financial incentives, which would be publicised through a marketing and advertising strategy for the recruitment of staff, and modifications to the terms and conditions associated with the roles which recognised the challenges specific to the area of work. Mark Evans advised that the strategy aimed to make the Council the employer of choice for Social Workers.


Councillor Irene Neill advised that the local challenges were consistent with those being experienced nationally and were a common problem amongst Local Authorities. The Commission was asked to agree the strategy in order that the process could move forward, recognising that elements within the strategy required further development before implementation.


Councillor Roger Hunneman recognised the challenges being faced by Social Workers. He referred the Commission to page 20 of the report which suggested that the issue had been in existence for 3 years previous. Councillor Hunneman questioned why the issue had not been addressed with the same degree of importance or urgency before now.


In response, Rachael Wardell stated that changes to the maintenance of staffing levels had been introduced previously and a paper outlining career pathways in Social Work had been considered by the Executive in January 2014. The current report aimed to address issues  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Homelessness - Young Families pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Purpose: To receive the report from the Task Group who reviewed the reasons why West Berkshire appears to have a disproportionate amount of young families facing homelessness.


The Commission considered the report (Agenda item 4) outlining the Task Groups findings into the reasons why West Berkshire appeared to have a disproportionate amount of young families facing homelessness.


Councillor Quentin Webb explained that the task group was formed following an agreement by the Commission to commence a review into Recommendation 12 of the Homelessness review conducted in November 2012:


Further investigation should be undertaken into the reasons why West Berkshire seemed to have a very large proportion of young families facing homeless whose friends and extended family were unwilling or unable to provide them with temporary housing/ accommodation


The report outlined the format of meetings, witnesses invited to partake in the discussion and the information obtained. Councillor Webb explained that through the process of the review it became apparent that the situation was not a significant as first thought. The Commission heard that the actual number of young homeless families had reduced and there was little difference between the national and local proportions; however the long term impact on those families and their children, and the resulting societal cost remained significant.


Councillor Webb explained that the way in which the Council’s Housing Service operated inflated the number of homelessness acceptances above that of other Local Authorities. The Task Group concluded that all agencies appeared to be functioning appropriately according to their remit and no pressing issues had been forthcoming; however the group agreed that there was scope for better interagency working.


Councillor Webb highlighted the recommendations issued on page 39 of the report and welcomed questions from the Commission.


Councillor Roger Hunneman asked whether the review consider the need to teach life skills within Schools. Councillor Webb advised that the Task Group recognised that more work was required to equip younger people with essential living skills, as detailed within the report and highlighted within recommendation (E).


The Commission discussed whether the recommendation appropriately addressed the apparent need to teach life skills (such as budgeting) which appeared to hinder a young persons’s ability to live independently.


David Lowe advised the Commission that, if they were minded to, then a recommendation could be added to address the issue specifically. Rachael Wardell reminded the Commission that the Communities Directorate had very limited influence upon the curriculum in Schools and Academies. Rachael Wardell suggested that the recommendation was realistic and within the ability of the Education Service to implement.

Councillor Webb proposed acceptance of the report inclusion of the additional recommendation as discussed. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Macro.

Resolved that

·         An additional recommendation would be added to the report: The Head of Education should explore with schools the scope for life skills, as might be required by a self-sufficient adult, to be taught as part of or alongside the existing curriculum.