Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury
Contact: Darius Zarazel (Principal Democratic Services Officer)
No. | Item |
The Chairman to report on functions attended since the last meeting and other matters of interest to Members. Minutes: The Chairman reported that he had attended several events since the last ordinary Council meeting. Specifically, he mentioned his attendance at the BBC Radio Berkshire Make a Difference Awards 2024 and welcomed that one of the award winners came from West Berkshire – The HEROS Charity. He encouraged Members to promote the event to other local charities and encourage their entry to the competition. In addition, he visited Wokingham Town Hall for the Kings Award for Voluntary Service 2024. The Chairman highlighted that out of the 14 groups presented with an award, four were from Newbury – Loose Ends Newbury, Newbury Riding for the Disabled, Newbury Street Pastors, and Swings & Smiles. |
The Chairman to sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 July 2024. Minutes: MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Billy Drummond and seconded by Councillor Denise Gaines: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2024 were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman. The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED. |
Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any personal, disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: All Councillors present declared an Other Registrable Interest in Agenda Item 11, the recommendations of the West Berkshire Independent Renumeration Panel 2024. However, as permitted under Part 13, Appendix 3, Section 4.3(d) of the Constitution, Members may participate and vote on allowances, payments, or indemnities to Councillors, and for this reason, they would continue to participate in the discussion, debate, and vote on the item. |
Councillors may present any petition which they have received. These will normally be referred to the appropriate body without discussion.
A petition has been received and will be presented by Councillor Martha Vickers, on behalf of Shaw-Cum-Donnington Parish Council, for a safer crossing at Donnington. Minutes: Councillor Glyn Thomas, a representative of Shaw-cum-Donnington Parish Council, presented a petition containing 62 signatures relating to a safer crossing on the Oxford Road by the Castle Pub at Donnington. Councillor Thomas emphasised that the Parish Council were very keen to see a safer pedestrian crossing at this point due to the volume of traffic on the road, that it was used by children walking to local schools, for residents accessing the Donnington Recreation Ground, for work, and for those visiting local pubs and the Donnington Castle. Councillor Thomas also indicated that the data from their Speed Indicator Device nearby showed that an average of 20 per cent of all vehicles exceed the 30 miles per hour limit. Although acknowledging insufficient space for a standard pedestrian crossing, the petition called on the Council to investigate alternative traffic calming measures. The Chairman thanked Councillor Thomas for presenting the petition and confirmed to the Parish Council that officers would review the petition and confirm within ten working days what action would be taken. |
Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Council's Constitution. Minutes: There were no public questions received. |
Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by Members of the Council in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Council's Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: A full transcription of the Member question and answer session is available from the following link: Transcription of Q&As. |
Membership of Committees The Council to agree any changes to the membership of Committees. Minutes: MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Brooks and seconded by Councillor Owen Jeffery: That Council approve the following changes to the membership of Committees: - That Councillor Martha Vickers be appointed to the Scrutiny Commission in place of Councillor Justin Pemberton - That Councillor Stephanie Steevenson be appointed to the Health Scrutiny Committee in place of Councillor Justin Pemberton, and that Councillor Alan Macro be appointed as a substitute member - And that Councillor Nigel Foot be appointed to the District Planning Committee in place of Councillor Martin Colston The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.</AI5>
Motions from Previous Meetings To note Motions which had been presented to a previous Council meeting. Minutes: Council noted that there were no motions from previous meetings needing updates. |
Updates from Committees The Council is asked to note the meetings held since the last ordinary meeting of Council:
8.a – The Licensing Committee has not met.
8.b – The Personnel Committee has not met.
8.c – The Governance and Ethics Committee met on 29 August 2024.
8.d – The District Planning Committee met on 11 September 2024
8.e – The Scrutiny Comission met on 24 September 2024
8.f – The Health Scrutiny Committee met on 23 August 2024
8.g – The Health and Wellbeing Board met on 12 September 2024
8.h – The Joint Public Protection Committee has not met.
Minutes: Council noted the meetings that had been held since the last ordinary meeting of Council as laid out in Agenda item 9. |
Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Purpose: To seek approval for West Berkshire Council to join the Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report (Agenda item 10) concerning the seeking of approval for the Council to join the Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Brooks and seconded by Councillor Heather Codling: That Council: (a) SUPPORT the proposal for West Berkshire Council to join the existing Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee as a mandatory committee to provide independent scrutiny of the ‘Hampshire Together – Modernising our Hospitals and Health Services’ Programme; (b) DELEGATE scrutiny powers in relation to matters set out in (a) above to the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee; (c) AGREE to the terms of reference for the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out in Appendix B of the report; and (d) Approve the appointment of Councillor Martha Vickers as the West Berkshire Council representative on the Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Council noted that West Berkshire residents used health facilities from a range of neighbouring authority areas, and for that reason, the Council should have a voice in their operation. As Members were satisfied with the report, they agreed to approve the recommendations as laid out. The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.
Recommendations of the West Berkshire Independent Remuneration Panel 2024 Purpose: To set out the recommendations of the West Berkshire Council Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) following their meetings on the 4 and 5 June 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report (Agenda item 11) concerning the recommendations of the West Berkshire Council Independent Renumeration Panel following their meetings on 4 and 5 June 2024. MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Brooks and seconded by Councillor Denise Gaines: That Council: (a) Agree to the recommendations of the IRP as set out in paragraph 5.9 of the report. (b) Delegate authority to the Service Director (Strategy and Governance) to amend Part 14 of the Constitution (Members’ Allowances Scheme) and the associated procedures and guidance in line with any changes agreed by full Council. (c) Circulates the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for West Berkshire Parish and Town Councils to all of its town and parish councils for information. Councillor Brooks introduced the report and highlighted that the recommendation around member remuneration was made by an independent group and not by Councillors. The Panel had considered both the recent inflationary impact as well as the significant amount of work done by Members in coming to their conclusion. He also emphasised that the vote on the item would be based on Members’ consciences and not party line but that they could forgo the allowance if they chose to. Councillor Brooks indicated that West Berkshire’s Member remuneration was the second lowest of all unitary authorities in the Southeast region, and that in order to attract Councillors from a wider range of backgrounds, they needed to have a reasonable compensation. Members then discussed the recommendation, noting that that the increase was marginal, of only £479 per year, just over £9 per week. In addition, a fairer remuneration to Members would also allow for more people from a wider socio-economic background to become Councillors. A point was also made that reasonable increases over time would prevent the need for a larger adjustment in the future. Overall, as Members were satisfied with the report from the Independent Remuneration Panel, they agreed to approve the recommendations as laid out. The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.
To receive any Motions submitted in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Council's Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the under-mentioned urgent Motion (Agenda item 13) submitted in the name of Councillor Matt Shakespeare relating to the Government proposal to end of universal winter fuel payments. At this point, Councillor Ross Mackinnon raised a point of order about the grounds of urgency on which the Motion was being brought to Council. In response, the Deputy Monitoring Officer clarified that the urgent Motion was accepted by the Chairman as there was limited time between the ending of the winter fuel allowance and the onset of winter. MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Matt Shakespeare and seconded by Councillor Martha Vickers.
That Council: “Notes the recent announcement by the Labour Government to end universal winter fuel payments and restrict eligibility to only those in receipt of Pension Credits and other benefits. Council is deeply concerned that many pensioners on lower and middle incomes will now not receive these payments which are critical for their well-being. Across England and Wales, the number of people eligible for winter fuel payments will fall by 10 million (from 11.4 million to only 1.5 million). Council believes that the Labour Government has set the threshold at which pensioners will not qualify for Winter Fuel Payments is far too low. Only those receiving a pension of less than £218.15 a week (or £332.95 a week for couples) are eligible for pension credits. This is significantly lower than the living wage. Council is also concerned by the low take up of pension credit with only 63% of those eligible nationwide receiving them – and over 880,000 pensioners not in receipt. Council recognises the role we must play to increase awareness of benefits such as Pension Credit to ensure people are aware of the support to which they are entitled. Council further notes that the Energy Price Cap is due to rise by 10% in October, which combined with the removal of Winter Fuel Payments will push thousands of West Berkshire pensioners into fuel poverty. Council welcomes and appreciates the work being undertaken by the Welfare Support and Public Health teams, with Citizens Advice and Age UK, to promote the Pension Credit scheme to those who may be eligible. Council therefore resolves to: · instruct the Leader to write to Olivia Bailey MP asking her to give her formal support to halting the changes to the Winter Fuel Payment eligibility, Lee Dillon MP, having already given his support.
invite the leaders of the Opposition and the minority group
to sign a joint letter with the Leader to the Chancellor of
the Exchequer calling for the new Winter Fuel Payment policy to be
suspended and reviewed along with pausing the policy on linking
Winter Fuel Payments to Pension Credit receipt introducing a new
threshold to determine eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments. · Urgently commence an awareness campaign to maximise the uptake of pension credits, ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |