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Committee details


Purpose of committee

Council meetings take place around five times a year and all 43 elected members are invited to attend. Council is responsible for setting the council's budget and financial strategies, planning and transport policies and the Council Strategy, as well as agreeing any changes to the Constitution.


Members of the public can attend Council meetings and those living or working in West Berkshire can submit questions to Council that relate to any business of the Council or the wellbeing of this district (see Asking a question at a meeting). Members of the public cannot present petitions to Council but they can ask elected members to do so on their behalf (see Petitions).


Meetings take place in the Council Chamber, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD and meetings usually start at 7pm, except the annual budget meeting (which takes place in March) which starts at 5.30pm.


Contact: Democratic Services Team


Further information links:

Council Strategy

Council Constitution


Contact information

Support officer: Stephen Chard (Democratic Services Manager).

Postal address:
Legal and Democratic Services
Council Offices
Market Street
RG14 5LD

Phone: 01635 519462


Web site: