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Councillor Justin Pemberton

Profile image for Councillor Justin  Pemberton

Title: Executive Portfolio Holder: Public Safety and Community Engagement, Economic Development and Regeneration

Party: Liberal Democrats

Political grouping: Liberal Democrat Group

Ward: Thatcham West

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
C/O Democratic Services
Council Offices
Market Street
RG14 5LD

Mobile:  07513 106 700


Download Councillor Justin Pemberton contact details as VCard


Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Law Degree from Sheffield University. Fifteen years’ experience in financial arbitration and dispute resolution involving UK banks and financial firms. Currently specialising in medium sized enterprises with current and long-standing complaints. Co-runs a family property business and is a foster carer. Thatcham Town Councillor and elected to WBC in 2023.

