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Agenda and minutes

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No. Item



To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 5th June 2024.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 5th June were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any personal, disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Schedule of Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 114 KB

(Note: The Chairman, with the consent of the Committee, reserves the right to alter the order of business on this agenda based on public interest and participation in individual applications).


Application No. and Parish: 23/01699/FULMAJ - Travellers Friend Crookham Common pdf icon PDF 348 KB


Demolition of existing pub and reconstruction of 18 new flats with reception facilities for young people with autism and learning disabilities (falling within class c3 residential use) and alterations of existing B and B facilities into 2 no. of flats for young people with autism and learning disabilities (falling within class c3 residential (b) use) and alterations to existing shop and café to include alterations to windows and doors.


Travellers Friend Crookham Common.


Transforming Developments Limited


The Development Manager be authorised to GRANT conditional planning permission subject to the completion of a s106 obligation.  


Additional documents:


1.       The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 23/016/FULMAJ in respect of Demolition of existing pub and reconstruction of 18 new flats with reception facilities for young people with autism and learning disabilities (falling within class c3 residential use) and alterations of existing B and B facilities into 2 no. of flats for young people with autism and learning disabilities (falling within class c3 residential (b) use) and alterations to existing shop and café to include alterations to windows and doors.

2.       Mr Simon Till (Development Control Team Leader) introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended that the Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a s106 obligation and to the conditions outlined in the main and update reports. It was highlighted that a revised recommendation had been included in the additional update information as follows: The officers recommendation is for conditional approval, subject to the conditions in the agenda report, the update sheet and additional update sheet; completion of a section 106 legal agreement to secure the use of the site; and to it being delegated back to officers to liaise with the applicant to secure appropriate drainage via additional information and conditions.

3.       Mr Gareth Dowding (Principal Engineer (Traffic and Road Safety)) confirmed that he had no further comments in relation to Highways Matters.

4.       In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Ms Watts Town Council representative, Mr Warren Richard, Mr Edward Sellick and Ms Rosie Palin, applicant, addressed the Committee on this application.

Parish/Town Council Representation

5.       Ms Watts (Thatcham Town Council) addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Parish/Town Council

6.       Members asked questions of clarification and were given the following responses:

·       The representation as on behalf of Thatcham Town Council, which had discussed the application at a meeting of its planning committee.

Applicant Representation

7.       Rosie Palin addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link):

Member Questions to the Applicant/Agent

8.       Members asked questions of clarification and were given the following responses:

·       It was confirmed that the existing shop would be retained on site as it currently was. 

Ward Member Representation

9.       Councillor Owen Jeffery addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Ward Member

10.   Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Member Questions to Officers

11.   Members asked questions of clarification and were given the following responses:

·       In response to the possibility of revisiting the matter of lowering speed limits and if this would be feasible, it was confirmed that for a speed limit review  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.(1)


Application No. and Parish: 23/02603/FUL - Barn, Hawkridge Farm, Bucklebury, Reading pdf icon PDF 504 KB


Internal and external alterations to allow change of use of listed barn to dwelling, including erection of vehicular access, gate, car port and diversion of the definitive footpath.


Barn, Hawkridge Farm, Bucklebury, Reading


Richard and Lisa Beasley


The Development Manager be authorised to GRANT conditional planning permission.


Additional documents:


1.       The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(2)) concerning Planning Application 23/02603/FUL in respect of Internal and external alterations to allow change of use of listed barn to dwelling, including erection of vehicular access, gate, car port and diversion of the definitive footpath.

2.       Alice Attwood (Senior Planning Officer) introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended that the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions outlined in the main and update reports.

3.       Mr Gareth Dowding confirmed that he had no further comments in relation to Highways Matters.

4.       In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Mr David Southgate, Parish Council representative, Russel Meadows and Christine Dunn, objectors, Kate Russell, supporter, Richard Beasley and Lisa Jackson, applicant/agent and Councillor Chris Read, Ward Member, addressed the Committee on this application.

Parish Council Representation

·       Mr Southgate addressed the Committee (Bucklebury Parish Council). This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Parish/Town Council

5.       Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Objector Representation

6.       Mr Russel Meadows and Ms Christine Dunn addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Objector

7.       Members asked questions of clarification and were given the following responses:

·       Mr Meadows confirmed that his property (Owl House, Hawkridge Farm) owned its own septic tank on the other side of Chapel Lane. Hawkridge Farm were also able to use this septic tank under a covenant. It was confirmed that the septic tank would not be available for use by the proposed barn conversion and would not be capable of coping with the extra four bedrooms.

·       The septic tank owned by the Owl House at Hawkridge Farm was emptied every few years. The proposal would require a sealed cesspool because it would not have access to a septic tank and did not have the grounds available to accommodate one.

·       Mr Meadows confirmed that the figures he had provided on cesspool capacity were based on the guidelines that one person equated to 150 litres per day and he further clarified how he had calculated the figures provided as part of his representation, relating to how often the cesspool would need to be emptied.

·       The pond was fed into by water drainage from all the rooves and guttering of dwellings within Hawkridge Farm. The pond was the lowest point in the area and was therefore also fed into by water drainage from the road. The pond flooded each year during the winter and Mr Meadows had included pictures of this with his objection.

Supporter Representation

8.       Ms Kate Russell addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.(2)


Application No. and Parish: 23/02604/LBC - Barn, Hawkridge Farm, Bucklebury, Reading pdf icon PDF 247 KB


Internal and external alterations to allow change of use of listed barn to dwelling, including erection of vehicular access, gate, car port and diversion of the definitive footpath.


Barm, Hawkridge Farm, Bucklebury, Reading


Richard and Lisa Beasley


The Development Manager be authorised to GRANT conditional planning permission.


Additional documents:


1.      The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(3)) concerning Planning Application 23/02604/LBC in respect of Internal and external alterations to allow change of use of listed barn to dwelling, including erection of vehicular access, gate, car port and diversion of the definitive footpath.

2.       Alice Attwood (Senior Planning Officer) introduced the report to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations. In conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers recommended that the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions outlined in the main and update reports.

3.       Mr Gareth Dowding confirmed that he had no further comments in relation to Highways Matters.

4.       In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Mr David Southgate, Parish Council representative, Russel Meadows and Chrstine Dunn, objectors, Kate Russell, supporter, Richard Beasley and Lisa Jackson, applicant/agent and Councillor Chris Read, Ward Member, addressed the Committee on this application.

5.       Mr Till clarified that Listed Building Consent considered only the impact of works on the fabric and the significance of the Listed Building and set out in detail what these were.

Parish Council Representation

6.       Mr Southgate addressed the Committee (Bucklebury Parish Council). This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Parish/Town Council

7.       Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Objector Representation

8.       Mr Russel Meadows and Ms Christine Dunn addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Objector

9.       Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Supporter Representation

10.   Ms Kate Russell addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Supporter

11.   Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Applicant/Agent Representation

12.   Mr Beasley (Applicant) and Ms Jackson (Agent) addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Applicant/Agent

13.   Members asked questions of clarification and the following responses were given:

·       There was a detailed structural report, which formed part of the planning application and explained the sensitive repair of each of the beams, structures and joints. This had been considered in detail by the Conservation Officer who was satisfied with the works proposed. 

Ward Member Representation

14.   Councillor Chris Read addressed the Committee. This representation can be viewed on the recording: Eastern Area Planning Committee - 10th July 2024 (YouTube Link)

Member Questions to the Ward Member

15.   Members did not have any questions of clarification.

Member Questions to Officers

16.   Members asked questions of clarification and the following responses were given:

·       Mr Till commented on the insulation proposed as he had drafted the condition on the matter. He provided Members with further details as this information had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.(3)