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Agenda and draft minutes
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Contact: Democratic Services Team
No. |
Item |
1. |
Minutes PDF 362 KB
To approve as correct
records the Minutes of the meetings of this Committee held on 3
October 2024 and 23 October 2024.
Additional documents:
The Minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2024 were approved as
a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2024 were approved as
a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
2. |
Declarations of Interest
To remind Members
of the need to record the existence and nature of any personal,
disclosable pecuniary or other registrable
interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the
Members’ Code
of Conduct.
Councillors Nigel Foot, Tony Vickers, and Phil
Barnett declared an Other Registerable Interest in Agenda Items
4(1) and 4(2) by virtue of the fact that they were Newbury Town
Councillors and Members of the Town Council’s Planning and
Highways Committee. As their interest was not prejudicial or a
disclosable pecuniary interest, they determined to remain to take
part in the debate and vote on the matter.
Councillor Adrian Abbs declared an interest in
Agenda Items 4(1) and 4(2) by virtue of the fact that he was a Ward
Member for both applications. He informed the Committee that he
would not speak on the applications in that capacity, and he
determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the
Councillor Phil Barnett declared an Other
Registerable Interest in Agenda Items 4(1) and 4(2) by virtue of
the fact that he was a Greenham Parish Councillor. As his interest
was not prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, he
determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the
3. |
Schedule of Planning Applications
(Note: The Chairman, with
the consent of the Committee, reserves the right to alter the order
of business on this agenda based on public interest and
participation in individual applications).
3.(1) |
24/00037/FULMAJ - Newbury PDF 638 KB
Erection of Primary Care
Centre with associated works.
Land South of Newbury
College and North Of Highwood Copse School, Highwood Copse Way,
Greenham Trust
To delegate to the
Development Manager to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the
conditions listed in section 8 of this report (or minor and
inconsequential amendments to those conditions authorised by the
Development Manager, in consultation with the Chairman or Vice
Chairman of the Western Area Planning Committee).
Additional documents:
- The Committee
considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning
Application 24/00037/FULMAJ in respect of the erection of a Primary
Care Centre with associated works.
- The Planning
Officer, Debra Inston, introduced the report to Members, which took
account of all the relevant policy considerations and other
material planning considerations. In conclusion the report detailed
that the proposal was acceptable in planning terms and officers
recommended that the Development Manager be authorised to grant
planning permission subject to the conditions outlined in the main
and update reports.
- The Chairman
asked the Highways Officer, Paul Goddard, if he had any
observations on the application.
- The Highways
Officer highlighted that the location had both advantages and
disadvantages when compared to the existing facility on St Johns
Road. On traffic volume and location of the site, he indicated that
there was not expected to be an overall greater volume of traffic
generated by the proposed facility, as it was a replacement for the
existing one. In addition, he noted that the site was more central
to its catchment area and that it had good potential for
sustainable travel opportunities, such as cycle routes and bus
services. For these reasons, he considered the location to be
- For the access to
the site, the Highways Officer noted that the road to the north was
a private and unadopted road owned by Newbury College. Although the
only initial access would come off the A339, he clarified to
Members that this was temporary as a new additional access would
also be delivered through the Sandleford Park West site.
- The Highways
Officer confirmed that the small access serving the staff parking
area and the access serving the larger car park were a suitable
distance from the accesses to the school opposite. Also, as that
part of Highwood Copse Way had road markings to keep vehicles
clear, he believed that visibility should be clear and therefore
that the access was suitable. The sightlines were subject to
amended drawings and secured by conditions.
- On parking
numbers, the Highways Officer indicated that they expected 24 staff
present at a given time as well as 48 patients. As the total spaces
provided was 72, this number was considered sufficient.
- It was agreed
that further detail would be required on sight lines and that
further work was needed on pedestrian routes to the site and the
Highways Officer confirmed that a dropped kerb should be provided
across road adjacent to the site to link the site to the existing
footways on the road. These matters could be secured through
- For the reasons
presented, the Highways Officer recommended that the application be
- In accordance
with the Council’s Constitution, Mr Tom Sadler, the Agent, Dr
Anne Maloney, the applicant, and Councillor David Marsh, Ward
Member, addressed the Committee on this application.
- Mr Tom Sadler and
Dr Anne Maloney addressed the Committee. This representation can be
viewed in the recording: Western Area Planning
Committee – Wednesday 22 January 2025.
Member Questions
view the full minutes text for item 3.(1)
3.(2) |
24/02029/FULMAJ - Newbury PDF 401 KB
Section 73:
Variation of Condition (10) Travel Plan and (20) Vehicle Parking
and Turning of previously approved application 20/02779/COMIND:
Section 73 variation of conditions 2 (plans), 3 (boundary
treatments), 4 (hardscaping), 6 (BREEAM), 7 (external lighting), 9
(noise from services), 11 (sport England), 12 (travel plan), 13
(cycle and scooter parking), 17 (landscaping) and 24 (E V charging
points) of approved 17/03434/COMIND - Construction of a new 1 FE
single-storey primary school south of the existing Newbury College,
with associated soft and hard landscaping. Construction of a
temporary access to the school from the Newbury College site and a
permanent access from the A339 to serve the allocated strategic
housing site and form the permanent access to the school.
Construction of bunds adjacent to the temporary and permanent
access roads to prevent access from the roads to private land.
Newbury College
Monks Lane Newbury RG14 7TD
West Berkshire
District Council
To delegate to the
Development Manager to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the
conditions listed in the report.
Additional documents:
- The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(2)) concerning
Planning Application 24/02029/FULMAJ in respect of Section 73:
Variation of Condition (10) Travel Plan and (20) Vehicle Parking
and Turning of previously approved application 20/02779/COMIND:
Section 73 variation of conditions 2 (plans), 3 (boundary
treatments), 4 (hardscaping), 6 (BREEAM), 7 (external lighting), 9
(noise from services), 11 (Sport England), 12 (travel plan), 13
(cycle and scooter parking), 17 (landscaping) and 24 (E V charging
points) of approved 17/03434/COMIND - Construction of a new 1 FE
single-storey primary school south of the existing Newbury College,
with associated soft and hard landscaping. Construction of a
temporary access to the school from the Newbury College site and a
permanent access from the A339 to serve the allocated strategic
housing site and form the permanent access to the school.
Construction of bunds adjacent to the temporary and permanent
access roads to prevent access from the roads to private
- The Planning Officer, Matthew Shepherd, introduced the report to
Members, which took account of all the relevant policy
considerations and other material planning considerations. In
conclusion the report detailed that the proposal was acceptable in
planning terms and officers recommended that the Development
Manager be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the
conditions outlined in the main and update reports.
- The Highways Officer had no further comments.
- In
accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Councillor David
Marsh, Ward Member, addressed the Committee on this
Member Representation
- Councillor David Marsh addressed the Committee. This
representation can be viewed in the recording: Western Area Planning
Committee – Wednesday 22 January 2025
Questions to the Ward Member
- Members did not have any questions of clarification for
Councillor Marsh.
Questions to Officers
- Members asked questions of clarification and were given the
following responses:
It was not known why this was not completed with the
original application.
If Members wanted to install railings on the A339
then the Ward Members would need to petition the Council’s
Projects Team. The policy was that barriers would not be installed
unless they were considered to be
- Councillor Clive Hooker opened the debate by highlighting that
he considered the application to be necessary work and would like
to see the application approved.
- Councillor Howard Woollaston concurred with Councillor Hooker,
seeing no material planning reasons for refusal.
- Councillor Hooker proposed to accept Officer’s
recommendation and grant planning permission subject to the
conditions listed in the main report. This was seconded by
Councillor Woollaston.
- The Chairman invited Members of the Committee to vote on the
proposal by Councillor Hooker, seconded by Councillor Woollaston,
to grant planning permission. At the vote the motion was
RESOLVED that the
Development Manager be authorised to grant planning permission
subject to the conditions in the main report.