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Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury

Contact: Ben Ryan (Democratic Services Officer) 

No. Item


Apologies pdf icon PDF 308 KB

To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting (if any).


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 307 KB

To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any personal, disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct.

Standards Matters


NDC0623 pdf icon PDF 357 KB

Purpose: To make a determination as to whether a breach of the Code of Conduct has occurred after considering the Investigator’s report about a complaint received from the then Councillor Steve Masters (Complainant) in respect of Councillor Ross Mackinnon (Subject Member) from West Berkshire Council submitted on 23 March 2023.

Should the Committee determine that a breach of the Code of Conduct has occurred they will need to determine an appropriate sanction.


Appendix A: West Berkshire Council's Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 791 KB

Additional documents:


Appendix B: Complaint and associated paperwork pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Additional documents:


Appendix C: Response to the complaint by the Subject Member pdf icon PDF 344 KB


Appendix D: Initial Assessment Notice pdf icon PDF 351 KB


Appendix E: Investigator's Report pdf icon PDF 269 KB


Appendix F: Advisory Panel Decision Notice pdf icon PDF 221 KB


Appendix G: Sanctions which can be applied pdf icon PDF 5 KB


NDC0124 pdf icon PDF 357 KB

Purpose: To make a determination as to whether a breach of the Code of Conduct has occurred after considering the Investigator’s report about a complaint received from Councillor Tony Vickers (Complainant) in respect of Councillor Ross Mackinnon (Subject Member) from West Berkshire Council submitted on 25 January 2024.

Should the Committee determine that a breach of the Code of Conduct has occurred they will need to determine an appropriate sanction.


Appendix B: Complaint and associated paperwork pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


Appendix C: Response to the complaint by the Subject Member pdf icon PDF 397 KB


Appendix D: Initial Assessment Notice pdf icon PDF 133 KB


Appendix E: Investigator's Report pdf icon PDF 241 KB


Appendix F: Advisory Panel Decision Notice pdf icon PDF 215 KB