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Meeting attendance

Monday 6 September 2021 6.30 pm, Local Outbreak Engagement Board (Public)

Please note: The attendance figures relate to the attendance of Councillors at meetings and sub-committees of Council only, they do not include the meetings of task groups and outside bodies also attended by Councillors.

Please ensure the correct date range is selected. Attendance records start from 17 May 2011.

Venue:   Virtual Zoom Meeting

Contact:    Gordon Oliver

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Dominic Boeck Committee Member Present
Councillor Graham Bridgman Chairman Present
Councillor Lynne Doherty Committee Member Present
Martin Dunscombe Officer In attendance
Susan Halliwell Officer Absent
Jack Karimi Clerk In attendance
Councillor Steve Masters Committee Member Present
Sean Murphy Officer In attendance
Meradin Peachey Committee Member Present
Matthew Pearce Committee Member Present
Jo Reeves Committee Member Present
Andy Sharp Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Joanne Stewart Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Martha Vickers Committee Member Present