Agenda and minutes
Venue: Shaw House Church Road Newbury RG14 2DR
Contact: Jessica Bailiss
No. | Item |
Minutes of previous meeting dated 15th June 2020 Minutes: |
Actions arising from previous meetings Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: |
Schools' Forum Membership and Constitution from September 2020 (Jessica Bailiss) Additional documents:
Minutes: |
Schools in Financial Difficulty Bids: Purley and Beenham (Melanie Ellis) Minutes: |
The impact of Covid19 on West Berkshire Schools (Ian Pearson) Minutes: |
Early Years Block Budget (Avril Allenby) Minutes: |
Trade Union Facilities Time - Annual Report for 2019/20 (Gary Upton) Minutes: |
Minutes: |
Date of the next meeting Monday 19th of October 2020, 5pm Minutes: |