Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury
Contact: Democratic Services Team
Note: This meeting can be watched at: from 7.00pm
No. | Item |
Chairman's Remarks The Chairman to report on functions attended since the last meeting and other matters of interest to Members. Minutes: Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chairman invited all those present to observe a minutes’ silence to remember ex-Chairman of Newbury District Council, Bill Palmer and ex Lord Lieutenant Philip Wroughton who had recently passed away.
The Chairman reported that due to the ongoing Covid pandemic he had only attended one event in person since the last Council meeting and that was the wreath laying event on Remembrance Sunday in Newbury. He had instead been involved in making video recordings for various events and to raise awareness of Council initiatives which were being broadcast on social media.
The Chairman also noted that this was the last Council meeting that John Ashworth (Executive Director: Place) would be attending before retiring and he wished, on behalf of the Council, to thank him for his many years of exemplary service to the Council. |
The Chairman to sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 September 2020. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2020 were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any personal, disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Claire Rowles declared an interest in Agenda Item 18a, and reported that, as her interest was an other registrable interest, she determined that she would be leaving the meeting during the course of consideration of the matter. |
Petitions Councillors may present any petition which they have received. These will normally be referred to the appropriate body without discussion.
Minutes: There were no petitions presented to the meeting.
Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. Please note that the list of public questions is shown under item 6 in the agenda pack. Additional documents: Minutes: A full transcription of the public and Member question and answer sessions are available from the following link: Transcription of Q&As. a) A question standing in the name of John Gotelee on the subject of the Tesco Culvert was answered by the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. b) It was agreed that a question standing in the name of Susan Millington on the subject of a tree planting target would receive a written response from the Executive Member for Transport and Countryside, given that she was unable to attend the meeting. c) A question standing in the name of Paula Saunderson on the subject of funding from Central Government for the Covid-19 pandemic was answered by the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. d) It was agreed that a question standing in the name of Paula Saunderson on the subject of the distribution of the Covid-19 funding would receive a written response from the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. e) It was agreed that a question standing in the name of Paula Saunderson on the subject of the number of recipients of the Covid-19 funding would receive a written response from the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. f) It was agreed that a question standing in the name of Ros Clow on the subject of a working from home hub in Newbury would receive a written response from the Executive Member for public Health and Community Wellbeing, given that they were unable to attend the meeting. g) A question standing in the name of Alan Pearce on the subject of the swale situated on land west of Tesco was answered by the Executive Member for Transport and Countryside. h) A question standing in the name of John Gotelee on the subject of water quality at the outfall of the Thames Water sewer was answered by the Executive Member for Transport and Countryside. i) A question standing in the name of Paul Morgan on the subject of additional expenditure on the London Road Industrial Estate was answered by the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. j) It was agreed that a question standing in the name of Stuart Gourley on the subject of development principles in the Avison Young LRIE Master Plan would receive a written response from the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development , given that he was unable to attend the meeting. k) A question standing in the name of Alan Pearce on the subject of costs paid to ARDENT Consulting Engineers was answered by the Executive Member for Transport and Countryside. l) A question standing in the name of Lee McDougall on the subject of the re-opening of Faraday Road Football Ground was answered by the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. m) A question standing in the name of Vaughan Miller on the subject of making the football ground available was answered by the Executive Member for Finance and Economic Development. n) A question ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Membership of Committees The Council to agree any changes to the membership of Committees. Minutes: No changes to the membership of Cmmittees were proposed at the meeting. |
Motions from Previous Meetings To note the responses to Motions which have been presented to previous Council meetings.
a) Response to the Motion from Councillor Steve Ardagh-Walter – Item 5 presented to the 16 July 2020 Executive Meeting b) Response to the Motion from Councillor Lynne Doherty - Item 20 presented to the 24 April 2020 Personnel Committee Meeting c) Response to the Motion from Councillor Carolyne Culver – Item 6 presented to the 16 July 2020 Executive Minutes: To following responses to Motions which had been presented to previous Council meetings were noted:
a) Response to the Motion from Councillor Steve Ardagh-Walter – Item 5 presented to the 16 July 2020 Executive Meeting. b) Response to the Motion from Councillor Lynne Doherty - Item 20 presented to the 24 April 2020 Personnel Committee Meeting. c) Response to the Motion from Councillor Carolyne Culver – Item 6 presented to the 16 July 2020 Executive.
Licensing Committee The Council is asked to note that since the last meeting of the Council, the Licensing Committee met on 30 November 2020. Copies of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Strategy and Governance or via the Council’s website. Minutes: The Council noted that, since the last meeting, the Licensing Committee had met on 30 November 2020.
Personnel Committee The Council is asked to note that since the last meeting of the Council, the Personnel Committee has not met. Minutes: The Council noted that, since the last meeting, the Personnel Committee had not met. |
Governance and Ethics Committee The Council is asked to note that since the last meeting of Council, the Governance and Ethics Committee met on 16 November 2020. Copies of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Strategy and Governance or via the Council’s website. Minutes: The Council noted that, since the last meeting, the Governance and Ethics Committee had met on 16 November 2020.
District Planning Committee The Council is asked to note that since the last meeting of the Council, the District Planning Committee has not met. Minutes: The Council noted that, since the last meeting, the District Planning Committee had not met.
Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission The Council is asked to note that since the last meeting of the Council, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission met on 06 October 2020. Copies of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Strategy and Governance or via the Council’s website. Minutes: The Council noted that, since the last meeting, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission had met on 06 October 2020.
Joint Public Protection Committee The Council is asked to note that since the last meeting of the Council, the Joint Public Protection Committee met on 28 September 2020. Copies of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Strategy and Governance or via the Council’s website. Minutes: The Council noted that, since the last meeting, the Joint Public Protection Committee had met on 28 September 2020. |
Minerals and Waste Local Plan - Proposed Submission Consultation (C3970) PDF 1 MB Purpose: To present the main changes to the MWLP and supporting evidence, and for approval to undertake public consultation on these documents in accordance with the West Berkshire Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 15) which set out the main changes to the Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) and supporting evidence. The report sought permission to undertake public consultation on these documents in accordance with the West Berkshire Statement of Community Involvement and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Prior to the discussion on the item starting the Chairman noted that a revised website link relating to the link on page 33 of the agenda was circulated as a separate annex to all Members and had been published on the Council’s website. MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Hilary Cole and seconded by Councillor Tony Vickers: That the Council: “Grant delegated authority to the Head of Development and Planning to: 1. Agree any minor typographical and presentational changes and factual updates to the Proposed Submission Minerals and Waste Local Plan and supporting information prior to publication for consultation. 2. Publish the Minerals and Waste Local Plan Proposed Submission consultation document, and supporting evidence base documents for a six week consultation period in accordance with the West Berkshire Statement of Community Involvement and Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. 3. Following public consultation, consider and summarise the responses received, and submit the Proposed Submission Minerals and Waste Local Plan and supporting evidence base to the Secretary of State for independent examination in line with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.” Councillor Hilary Cole in introducing the item noted that the Council was required to produce a Mineral and Waste Local Plan. She noted that this was the first iteration of the plan that was specific to West Berkshire as previous versions were Berkshire wide. The completed document was the culmination of several years of work and would shape the future of minerals and waste development in West Berkshire up to 2037. Councillor Cole noted that originally consultation was due to take place during January and February of 2020. Unfortunately one of the mineral sites that was due to be included as an allocation in the Plan was withdrawn at a late stage and consultation had to be put on hold until the Plan could be updated. The Plan reflected national policies as well as Council Strategy Priorities. Councillor Cole noted that the MWLP had already been through several stages of public consultation, starting with the Issues and Options consultation in early 2014, a sites consultation on all sites submitted for consideration in the plan in summer 2016, and consultation on the Preferred Options in spring 2017. It was proposed that the consultation would run for six weeks between Monday 4th January and Monday 15th February 2021. Following this, officers would consider and summarise the responses received and prepare the Proposed Submission MWLP and supporting evidence for submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination in line with legislative requirements by July 2021 with a view to ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Recommendations of the West Berkshire Council Independent Remuneration Panel 2020 (C3977) PDF 268 KB Purpose: To set out the recommendations of the West Berkshire Council Independent Remuneration Panel following their meetings on the 23 and 24 September 2020.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 16) which set out the recommendations of the West Berkshire Council Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) following their meetings on the 23 and 24 September 2020. Prior to the discussion on the item starting the Chairman explained that a revised table setting out the information on pages 177 to 180 of the agenda pack was circulated as a separate annex and was published on the website. The information was the same it was just presented on a single sheet. MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Lynne Doherty and seconded by Councillor Lee Dillon: That the Council: 1. “considers and, if appropriate, agrees the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel as set out in paragraph 4.19 of the report. 2. delegates authority to the Service Director: Strategy and Governance to amend Part 14 of the Constitution (Members’ Allowances Scheme) and the associated procedures and guidance in line with any changes agreed by full Council. 3. circulates the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for West Berkshire Parish and Town Councils to all of its town and parish councils for information once the rate of the Council’s basic allowance for its councillors is agreed”. Councillor Doherty in proposing the motion stated that she wished to propose a minor Amendment to the recommendation. AMENDMENT: Proposed by Councillor Doherty and seconded by Councillor Dillon:
“that the new scheme of allowances to be agreed by the Council be implemented with effect from the beginning of the 2022-23 financial year (01 April 2022), at which time the current scheme of allowances will be revoke.”
Councillor Lynne Doherty in introducing the item noted that when the IRP had met in November 2017 they had proposed that the Panel be reconvened in 2020 to consider the impact of the Boundary Review. The Boundary Review had resulted in a decrease in the number of councillors from 52 to 43 and they felt that it would be an opportune time to assess what impact this had had on the workload of individual councillors. The onset of the Covid pandemic had meant that the meeting had to be delayed until September 2020. She thanked the Panel for the time they had taken to undertake the assessment and for producing the report. Councillor Doherty noted that the basic allowance paid to West Berkshire Councillors was one of the lowest in the county and country.
Councillor Doherty acknowledged the need to increase the diversity of those candidates standing for election and stated that she believed it was important to ensure that a fair remuneration package was in place in order to attract candidates from a range of backgrounds with a range of skills to offer. She stated that in addition to the small increase proposed in the basic allowance the Panel had also recommended changes to the Dependants’ Carers’ Allowance (set out on page 163 of the agenda). She highlighted that the Panel had commended the Council for adopting its Parental Leave Policy for Members and recommended that it ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
West Berkshire Council Timetable of Public Meetings 2021-22 (C3990) PDF 248 KB Purpose: To recommend a timetable of meetings for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 17) which set out a timetable of public meetings for the 2021/22 Municipal Year. MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Lynne Doherty and seconded by Councillor Lee Dillon: That the Council: “approve the timetable of public meetings for the 2021/22 Municipal Year”. The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.
Motion - Citizens Advice West Berkshire The following Motion has been submitted in the name of Councillor Martha Vickers: This Council recognises the financial challenges many residents of West Berkshire are facing due to Covid 19.
Citizens Advice West Berkshire are seeing first-hand the problems individuals and families are facing. Problems they have been struggling with for some time, now accentuated by the pandemic. They are finding that an increasing number of people simply cannot meet their living costs.
We accept that government intervention has gone some way to support people during this crises. In particular the temporary uplift to Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit.
We ask the Council to call on our three MPs to support the Citizens Advice Campaign to:
This Council also recognises the vital services provided by Citizens Advice West Berkshire to those residents struggling financially at this time and commits to ensuring CAWB receive additional resources to allow them to continue to provide the help needed during the recovery period and beyond. Minutes: (Councillor Claire Rowles declared an interest in this item due to the fact that she was the Council’s appointed representative on West Berkshire Citizens Advice Bureau. As her interest was an other registrable interest she determined to leave the meeting and not take part in the discussion on this item.)
The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion Agenda item 18(a) refers) in the name of Councillor Martha Vickers.
The Chairman informed the Council that, in accordance with Procedural Rule 4.9.8 the motion if seconded, would be referred to Executive for consideration. The outcome of that decision would be reported back to full Council.
Motion: Proposed by Councillor Martha Vickers and seconded by Councillor Lee Dillon.
“This Council recognises the financial challenges many residents of West Berkshire are facing due to Covid 19.
Citizens Advice West Berkshire are seeing first-hand the problems individuals and families are facing. Problems they have been struggling with for some time, now accentuated by the pandemic. They are finding that an increasing number of people simply cannot meet their living costs.
We accept that government intervention has gone some way to support people during this crises. In particular the temporary uplift to Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit.
We ask the Council to call on our three MPs to support the Citizens Advice Campaign to:
This Council also recognises the vital services provided by Citizens Advice West Berkshire to those residents struggling financially at this time and commits to ensuring CAWB receive additional resources to allow them to continue to provide the help needed during the recovery period and beyond. “
Motion - Scrutiny of Community Infrastructure Levy Payments The following Motion has been submitted in the name of Councillor Jeff Brooks: We call upon the Council to urgently engage external expertise to undertake an independent review of the management of CIL payments from local developers. This is in light of two cases – that Members are aware of – where the sums paid by the applicants have been contested as they maintain they have been penalised by many thousands of pounds for incorrect paperwork submissions. These were able to be corrected rapidly when pointed out to the Applicant, but the Council pressed on in charging the applicant based on the original assessment.
Therefore: The Council resolves to engage with an independent scrutineer – potentially from an adjacent Local Authority – to undertake an external review of its method of handling CIL payments from developers – including the processing of them, the interface with developers on the amounts due and the paperwork being submitted accurately.
Minutes: The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion Agenda item 18(b) refers) in the name of Councillor Jeff Brooks.
The Chairman informed the Council that, in accordance with Procedural Rule 4.9.8 the motion if seconded, would be referred to the Executive for consideration. The outcome of that decision would be reported back to full Council.
Motion: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Brooks and seconded by Councillor Lee Dillon.
“We call upon the Council to urgently engage external expertise to undertake an independent review of the management of CIL payments from local developers. This is in light of two cases – that Members are aware of – where the sums paid by the applicants have been contested as they maintain they have been penalised by many thousands of pounds for incorrect paperwork submissions. These were able to be corrected rapidly when pointed out to the Applicant, but the Council pressed on in charging the applicant based on the original assessment.
Therefore: The Council resolves to engage with an independent scrutineer – potentially from an adjacent Local Authority – to undertake an external review of its method of handling CIL payments from developers – including the processing of them, the interface with developers on the amounts due and the paperwork being submitted accurately.”
Motion - Postponement of Demolition of the Faraday Road Football Ground Facilities The following Motion has been submitted in the name of Councillor Lee Dillon: We propose the Council postpones their application for demolition of the Faraday Road Football Ground facilities at least until the equivalent, or better, alternative site is confirmed and approved by the football community.
Furthermore, we propose that the Council now engage with the local football community and interested parties (e.g. Newbury Community Football Group and Newbury Town Council) to explore options that make the Faraday Road Football Ground available for Men’s, Ladies and youth clubs in Newbury to book for football training and matches in the meantime.
Minutes: The Council considered the under-mentioned Motion Agenda item 18(c) refers) in the name of Councillor Lee Dillon.
The Chairman informed the Council that, in accordance with Procedural Rule 4.9.8 the motion if seconded, would be referred to the Executive for consideration. The outcome of that decision would be reported back to full Council.
Motion: Proposed by Councillor Lee Dillon and seconded by Councillor Jeff Brooks.
“We propose the Council postpones their application for demolition of the Faraday Road Football Ground facilities at least until the equivalent, or better, alternative site is confirmed and approved by the football community.
Furthermore, we propose that the Council now engage with the local football community and interested parties (e.g. Newbury Community Football Group and Newbury Town Council) to explore options that make the Faraday Road Football Ground available for Men’s, Ladies and youth clubs in Newbury to book for football training and matches in the meantime.”
Motion - Better preparing West Berkshire for Future Economic Shocks The following Motion has been submitted in the name of Councillor Steve Masters: The pandemic has highlighted the need for the nation and local authorities to be better prepared for future shocks, to protect the livelihoods of residents and protect frontline services and infrastructure from being put under costly pressure. One idea that needs our further consideration is Universal Basic Income (UBI) - a system whereby the state provides a regular, unconditional minimum income for all citizens. This system would replace the means-tested benefits system, saving millions in administrative and delivery costs. Earners above higher tax thresholds would be net contributors via their taxes. The concept has attracted support from across the political spectrum and we now need to look at how it could protect and support the people of West Berkshire. Council acknowledges that government measures such as the Job Retention Scheme (furlough) and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme have helped many people and businesses in West Berkshire during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, unemployment is rising and is likely to grow further in the coming months. Ahead of us is a very unpredictable future and people across the county have already shouldered a huge burden. Faced with the unprecedented challenge of recovery, we must seek to do everything we can to provide the economic security, peace of mind and support that people need to retrain and create new opportunities that will enable them to provide for their families and rebuild their lives. Council notes that: a) Poverty does great damage to life chances, and that work is no longer a guaranteed route out of poverty (seven in ten children in poverty are in a working family according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation). b) The pandemic has forced more people into poverty, with increasing numbers of residents having to turn to charity such as food banks. c) The growing challenge of automation has been accelerated by the pandemic and puts many more jobs at risk. d) The Council’s Strategy 2019-2023 ‘priorities for improvement’ include ‘support everyone to reach their full potential’ and ‘support businesses to start, develop and thrive’. UBI could enable the residents of West Berkshire to fulfil their full potential by having the time to (re)train and potentially start new businesses. e) UBI would have a positive effect on mental health. People who lose their jobs would have a safety net and breathing space to find a similar job rather than being forced to take the first low-paid and unskilled job they can find. f) UBI would give people the time to become more involved in their community and support their neighbours, as so many have done during the pandemic. Council therefore: 1) Supports in principle a Universal Basic Income, recognising the impact this could have on alleviating poverty and inequality, improving mental health and wellbeing, and enabling both businesses and employees to adjust to the challenges of Covid-19, technological change, and the climate crisis. 2) Agrees to set up a cross-party panel to explore, with the ... view the full agenda text for item 50.(a) Minutes: The Council considered the under mentioned Motion (agenda item 18(d) refers) submitted in the name of Councillor Steve Masters.
The Chairman informed the Council that under Procedural Rule 4.9.8 the motion, if seconded, would be debated at the meeting.
MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Steve Masters and seconded by Councillor Lee Dillon:
“The pandemic has highlighted the need for the nation and local authorities to be better prepared for future shocks, to protect the livelihoods of residents and protect frontline services and infrastructure from being put under costly pressure. One idea that needs our further consideration is Universal Basic Income (UBI) - a system whereby the state provides a regular, unconditional minimum income for all citizens. This system would replace the means-tested benefits system, saving millions in administrative and delivery costs. Earners above higher tax thresholds would be net contributors via their taxes. The concept has attracted support from across the political spectrum and we now need to look at how it could protect and support the people of West Berkshire. Council acknowledges that government measures such as the Job Retention Scheme (furlough) and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme have helped many people and businesses in West Berkshire during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, unemployment is rising and is likely to grow further in the coming months. Ahead of us is a very unpredictable future and people across the county have already shouldered a huge burden. Faced with the unprecedented challenge of recovery, we must seek to do everything we can to provide the economic security, peace of mind and support that people need to retrain and create new opportunities that will enable them to provide for their families and rebuild their lives. Council notes that: a) Poverty does great damage to life chances, and that work is no longer a guaranteed route out of poverty (seven in ten children in poverty are in a working family according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation). b) The pandemic has forced more people into poverty, with increasing numbers of residents having to turn to charity such as food banks. c) The growing challenge of automation has been accelerated by the pandemic and puts many more jobs at risk. d) The Council’s Strategy 2019-2023 ‘priorities for improvement’ include ‘support everyone to reach their full potential’ and ‘support businesses to start, develop and thrive’. UBI could enable the residents of West Berkshire to fulfil their full potential by having the time to (re)train and potentially start new businesses. e) UBI would have a positive effect on mental health. People who lose their jobs would have a safety net and breathing space to find a similar job rather than being forced to take the first low-paid and unskilled job they can find. f) UBI would give people the time to become more involved in their community and support their neighbours, as so many have done during the pandemic. Council therefore: 1) Supports in principle a Universal Basic Income, recognising the impact this could have on alleviating poverty ... view the full minutes text for item 50.(a) |
Members' Questions Members of the Executive to answer the following questions submitted by Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Constitution: (a) Question to be answered by the Portfolio Holder for Transport and Countryside submitted by Councillor Keith Woodhams: “Can the Executive Member for Highways tell me how much tax payers hard earned cash has been spent replacing or repairing road signs, road name plates, lampposts and pedestrian central refuges hit by vehicles and endangering the lives of pedestrians, since the Conservatives took control of West Berkshire Council in 2015?” (b) Question to be answered by the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Young People submitted by Councillor Tom Marino: “What is the council planning to do to help our disadvantaged families and children during the coming winter?” Minutes: A full transcription of the Member question and answer session is available from the following link: (link to pdf on website) (a) A question standing in the name of Councillor Keith Woodhams on the subject of the costs of repairing and replacing street furniture damaged by vhicles since 2015 was answered by the Executive Member for Transport and Countryside. (b) A question standing in the name of Councillor Tom Marino on the subject of support for disadvantaged families and during during the winter was answered by the Executive Member for Children, Education and Young People. A full transcription of the public and Member question and answer sessions are available from the following link: Transcription of Q&As. (right click on link and ‘Edit Hyperlink’. Insert URL to pdf on website in ‘address’ field) |