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Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices Market Street Newbury

Contact: Stephen Chard (Democratic Services Manager) 

No. Item

Part I


Apologies for Absence pdf icon PDF 306 KB

To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting (if any).


Chairman's Remarks pdf icon PDF 303 KB

The Chairman to report on functions attended since the last meeting and other matters of interest to Members.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 293 KB

The Chairman to sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 May 2024.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any personal, disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct.


Petitions pdf icon PDF 301 KB

Councillors may present any petition which they have received. These will normally be referred to the appropriate body without discussion.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Council's Constitution.


Membership of Committees pdf icon PDF 304 KB

The Council to agree any changes to the membership of Committees.


Motions from Previous Meetings pdf icon PDF 393 KB

To note the following response to a Motion which had been presented to a previous Council meeting:

-       Response to the Motion from Councillor Heather Codling on the Support for Care Experienced People Motion, Item 11, Executive, 23 May 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council’s website.


Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 322 KB

The Council is asked to note that since the last ordinary meeting of the Council, the Licensing Committee met on 8 July 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.


Personnel Committee

The Council is asked to note that since the lastordinary meeting of the Council, the Personnel Committee met on 2 July 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.


Governance Committee

The Council is asked to note that since the lastordinary meeting of the Council, the Governance Committee met on 16 July 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.  


District Planning Committee

The Council is asked to note that since the last ordinary meeting of the Council the District Planning Committee has not met.


Scrutiny Commission

The Council is asked to note that since the lastordinary meeting of the Council, the Scrutiny Commission met on 17 July 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.


Health Scrutiny Committee

The Council is asked to note that since the lastordinary meeting of the Council, the Health Scrutiny Committee met on 11 June 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.


Health and Wellbeing Board

The Council is asked to note that since the lastordinary meeting of the Council, the Health and Wellbeing Board met on 11 July 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.


Joint Public Protection Committee

The Council is asked to note that since the lastordinary meeting of the Council, the Joint Public Protection Committee met on 10 June 2024. A copy of the Minutes of this meeting can be obtained from Democratic Services or via the Council's website.


Monitoring Officer's Annual Report 2023/24 - Conduct and Ethics (C4559) pdf icon PDF 432 KB

Purpose: To provide the annual report on matters relating to standards and conduct, and to bring to the attention of Members a summary of complaints or other problems within West Berkshire.  The report highlights that standards of conduct by councillors in West Berkshire remains high.


Governance Committee Annual Report - 2023/24 (C4574) pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Purpose: To provide a summary of key areas that the Governance Committee has considered during the Municipal Year 2023-24 as well as some of the actions and changes that have occurred due to the Committee’s activities.


Annual Scrutiny Report 2023/24 (C4556) pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Purpose: The Annual Scrutiny report for 2023/24 provides a summary of the work of the Scrutiny Commission, and Health Scrutiny Committee, as well as the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:


Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report 2023/24 (C4557) pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Purpose: The Annual Report provides a summary of the work of the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Board in 2023/24. It outlines progress made in working towards the aims and objectives of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West and implementation of the Delivery Plan for West Berkshire. It demonstrates how the Board has continued to assess the health needs of the local population. It also shows how the Board has delivered in terms of integration of Health and Social Care through the Better Care Fund.

Additional documents:


Notices of Motion pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Please note that the list of Motions is shown under Item 21 in the agenda pack.


Members' Questions pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Members of the Executive to answer questions submitted by Members of the Council in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules contained in the Council's Constitution.