Committee structure
Health and Wellbeing Board
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 established Health and Wellbeing Boards as a forum where key leaders from the health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities.
The West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Board is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of the population across the district, through the development of improved and integrated health and social care services. This includes overseeing the preparation of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, and approving the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Delivery Plan.
Board Members
The Board has representatives from: West Berkshire Council; Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board; Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust; Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; Thames Valley Police; Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service; Sovereign Housing; Healthwatch West Berkshire; the Public Protection Partnership; the voluntary sector; and the culture and arts sector (See ‘Membership’ below.)
Getting involved
The Health and Wellbeing Board meets in public five times a year. The meetings usually take place at the Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD.
Members of the public living or working in West Berkshire can submit questions to the Health and Wellbeing Board (see Asking a question at a meeting). Petitions relating to Health and Wellbeing matters can also be submitted to the Board (see Petitions).
Contact: Democratic Services Team
Further information links:
Licensing Committee
The Licensing Committee usually meets four times a year and 12 members are appointed to it. Meetings take place in the Council Chamber, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD and start at 6.30pm. This Committee meets to discharge the functions of the Council as licensing authority in respect of the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005.
Sub-Committees of the Licensing Committee are arranged on an ad hoc basis to consider licensing applications where representations are received. These usually take place at either 10am or 2pm.
Contact: Democratic Services Team
Further information links:
- District Planning Committee
- Eastern Area Planning Committee
- Licensing Sub-Committee
- Schools Forum
- Western Area Planning Committee